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PermaJet Resource Portal for Dealers and Distribution Partners

Here you will find all of the assets you need to populate your website including product specifications, images, technical data sheets and links to all of our product videos.

If you require anything else or want to speak to us please don't hesitate to get in touch.


A full selection of the PermaJet logos in formats suitable for both web and print

Paper Macro Images

Macro surface images for all inkjet media within the enitire PermaJet range

Technical Data Sheets

Technical data sheets in a variety of languages for all inkjet media within the PermaJet range.

Product Images

Group and individual product images of the entire range of PermaJet products.


Check out our YouTube channel for all of our video content including product overviews and reviews

Swatch Images

Swatch images for all of our papers and canvases to print off for customer swatches and samples.

Press Releases

Download PDF’s and associated images for the latest PermaJet Press Releases.

Permajet catalogue issue 22

PermaJet Catalogue

Download a PDF of the latest PermaJet Catalogue for customers or colleagues.

Interested in becoming a Dealer or Distributor?

Please get in contact if you would like to sell or distribute PermaJet products in the UK or around the world.

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